From Sat Nov 15 00:18:11 2008 Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 08:17:58 +0000 From: Brandon Enright To: Cc:, Cetin Kaya Koc Subject: Near and truncated collisions in Spectral Hash (shash-###) X-IMAPbase: 1279770013 1 Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 1 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Colleagues, Even though I have not been able to find a full collision in shash, I have a few results which I believe are interesting in their own right. To reduce the length of this email, rather than provide the hash of m1 and the hash m2, I will provide the difference (XOR) of the two hashes and a colliding-bit count in this format: shash-### (### bits or ##.##%): m1 = XXXX... m2 = XXXX... hashdiff = XXX... For most of the shash size options I have multiple message pairs with the same bit collision count but for brevity I'll only include one. Near collisions: ================= shash-128 (122 bits or 95.31%): m1 = 0e5897f7454f3388baecdabc2e78c5c2a66eceedeb759ae591036e99c9e133c729380e392fd723024511f64bf058806f5d97752918137de0d16156b9d14c26e0 m2 = 0e5897f74550cc48baecdabc2e78c5c2a66eceedeb759ae591036e99c9e133c729380e392fd723024511f64bf058806f5d97752918137de0d16156b9d14c26e0 hashdiff = 00880000800000000800000008080000 shash-224 (215 bits or 95.98%): m1 = a2bbd509657c83d7520b5d40c8b236a4b7b330f7a1e95ee07b62b8da045690e28a412dd4acbf952cad4e645432c53056f4e1cfebd22b48a9014a776bfde2ace1 m2 = 9d442509657c83d7520b5d40c8b236a4b7b330f7a1e95ee07b62b8da045690e28a412dd4acbf952cad4e645432c53056f4e1cfebd22b48a9014a776bfde2ace1 hashdiff = 0098000000080000002000000010000000000000000040000000a000 shash-512 (482 bits or 94.14%) m1 = ba585480aabf5af1f919bf1ab2f086d86d2bfcf627e988e3dd02c5606fb2700de898909c26153076474d9f1cc973141fe518a2e95c3b5713f9af2ce8ef99d309 m2 = ba585480aabf5af1f919bf1ab2f086d86d2bfcf627e988e3dd02c5606fb58ff3e898909c26153076474d9f1cc973141fe518a2e95c3b5713f9af2ce8ef99d309 hashdiff = 0000000000000000000000000000d0800000000000000000000000000f0004a30020003005000000008000700000003000000c0000000000200000e000000000 Truncated collision: ===================== shash-512 (22 bytes or 34.38%) m1 = 628398d4009dd8b5c6ce65be618598a1b2f2a3810e08fcea00e1c5e56ada0d4d73cfe5518c088bc68e18c102bb44e96521be35dc69ab8c6b0594d0f22a9a1f87 m2 = 628398d4009dd8b5c6ce65be618598a1b2f2a3810e08fcea00e1c5e56ada0d4d73cc1aae8c088bc68e18c102bb44e96521be35dc69ab8c6b0594d0f22a9a1f87 hashdiff = 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e400000000f000030100000cb34006030800007c8000000000080000000500000200080e00006001000 Comments: ========== Based on my work on shash-128 and my inability to get a near-collision in more than 122 bits I'm starting to think that the technique I'm using can not find a full collision in only a single block (512 bits) of input. Unfortunately I haven't had much success extending my attack into another block. I believe the truncated hash collision of 22 full bytes found in shash-512 is a serious break. Although the authors make no claim about the security of shash under truncation, it is widely accepted that a quality hash function should hold up well when truncated. At this point I think it is very unlikely that I'm going to be able to improve or extend this attack to a full collision. Regardless, if the results I've provided above can be independently verified (the test vectors verify for me but I'm nervous none-the-less) then I believe Spectral Hash should be considered broken. Regards, Brandon - -- Brandon Enright Network Security Analyst UC San Diego (UCSD) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkkehbwACgkQqaGPzAsl94Kq4QCfTqAiPLEFEMmvoRuej7YcHueJ OUcAn1VDbZK7fToPSxrh7JWwvGD1rQdr =V/JU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----