CS 293G Cryptographic Engineering Project Requirements

CS 293G Cryptographic Engineering Project Requirements

  • You are expected to study, investigate, or implement and then write a paper or presentation using LaTeX.

  • There are essentially 3 types of projects:
    1. Tutorials: Pick a topic, and find several books, papers, and presentations covering it; study and understand them well, and then write a short tutorial or survey paper or presentation. You can offer views and analysis as appropriate.
    2. Hardware or Software Implementation: Pick an algorithm and a platform and implement the algorithm with a particular set of objectives in mind (speed, security, and/or power). Create the code and write a short paper or presentation explaining your work.
    3. Original Work: It is not at all unlikely that you have discovered a new method, an algorithm, an implementation technique, or improved an existing one. If you have, write a paper or presentation describing your method or technique.
    4. Other Ideas: Let me know if you have other project ideas.

  • LaTeX Templates for paper and presentation

cs293g Cryptographic Engineering