cs 138 Automata and Formal Languages
Department of Computer Science
University of California Santa Barbara
Course Information
- Instructor: Professor Çetin Kaya Koç
→ Koç is pronounced as "Coach"
- Class Room: Phelps 2510
- Class Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12:30-01:50pm
- Instructor Office Hours: Wednesday 4:00-6:00pm
- Instructor's Office: Harold Frank Hall 1119
- Teaching Assistant: Shane Masuda (masuda@ucsb.edu)
- Discussion Schedule and Room:
Wednesday 02:00-03:20pm, Phelps 2510
- TA Office: Trailer 936 Room 104
- TA Office Hours: Thursday 2:00-4:00pm
- Please join the
page for class discussions.
- Check the class website, the Piazza page,
and/or your email once a day.
- Slides and other course information are in the folder
- Homework assignments are exams are in the folder
- The grades: cs138.htm
(The Code is your PERM number mod 98729)
Exams and Homework Assignments
- The Midterm Exam will be in class during class time on Tuesday, Aug 27
- The Final Exam will be in class during class time on Thursday, Sep 12
- 2-pages of notes (both sides) are allowed during the Exams.
- No makeup exam can be given under any circumstances.
- We will have 6 Homework Assignments
- Homework Assignments are due 5pm on Fridays
- Either, upload an electronic copy to a Dropbox folder
(to be provided), or deliver a paper copy to the HW Box in HFH 2108.
Electronic copy of your homework or lab report can be
in Text, PDF or MS Word. You could also scan/pdf your
handwritten work, however, do not submit small and/or
low-resolution phone-camera images.
- Homework Assignment 1: hw1.html -
due 5pm Friday, Aug 9
- Homework Assignment 2: hw2.html -
due 5pm Friday, Aug 16
- Homework Assignment 3: hw3.html -
due 5pm Friday, Aug 23
- Homework Assignment 4: hw4.html -
due 5pm Friday, Aug 30
- Homework Assignment 5: hw5.html -
due 5pm Friday, Sep 6
- Homework Assignment 6: hw6.html -
due 5pm Friday, Sep 13
Link for hw6
Weekly Course Plan
- Week 1a: [Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
Mathematical preliminaries.
Languages, grammars, and automata.
- Week 1b: [Appendix A]
Finite state transducers, Mealy and Moore machines,
equivalence, minimization.
- Week 2: [Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4]
Deterministic and nondeterministic finite accepters.
Equivalence of dfa and nfa. Reduction of states.
- Week 3: [Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3]
Regular expressions. Connections between regular expressions
and regular languages. Regular grammars.
[Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3]
Closure properties of regular languages.
Elementary questions about regular languages.
Identifying regular languages.
- Week 4: [Sections 5.1, 5.2]
Context-free languages and grammars.
Parsing and ambiguity.
- Week 5: [Sections 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3]
Simplification of context-free grammars.
Chomsky and Greibach normal forms.
Nondeterministic and deterministic push-down automata.
- Week 6: [Sections 9.1, 9.2,, 12.1]
Turing machines.
Limits of algorithmic computation.
Grading Rules
- Homework assignments: 40 %
- Midterm exam: 30 %
- Final exam: 30 %
- Late HW: Every late day subtracts 20 %
from the homework grade.
Course (Catalog) Description
Formal languages; finite automata and regular expressions;
properties of regular languages; pushdown automata and
context-free grammars; properties of context-free languages;
introduction to computability and unsolvability.
Introduction to Turing machines and computational complexity.
CS 40; open to computer science and computer engineering
majors only.
Integrity at UCSB ←
Dr. Çetin Kaya Koç