CS 16 Problem Solving with Computers 1
Department of Computer Science
University of California Santa Barbara
Course Information
- Instructor: Professor Koç
→ Koç is pronounced as "Coach"
- Class Schedule and Room: Monday, Wednesday 2:00-3:15pm, Girvetz 1004
- Koç's Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:00-5:30pm
→ Office: HFH 1119
- Teaching Assistants:
Sachin Rathod (rathod@umail)
Adam Ibrahim (adamibrahim@umail)
Brandon Huynh (bhuynh@cs)
Yuanshun Yao (yao@cs)
Ankita Singh (ankitasingh.2309@gmail)
Roman Kazarin (rkazarin@umail)
Suraj Rajesh (suraj_rajesh@cs)
Arvind Rajasekaran (arvindcr4@gmail)
- Lab Schedules (all on Tuesdays):
08:00am-08:50am (TAs: Yuanshun and Roman)
09:00am-09:50am (TAs: Yuanshun and Roman)
10:00am-10:50am (TAs: Adam and Arvind)
11:00am-11:50am (TAs: Adam and Arvind)
12:00pm-12:50pm (TAs: Sachin and Suraj)
01:00pm-01:50pm (TAs: Brandon and Ankita)
02:00pm-02:50pm (TAs: Brandon and Ankita)
- Lab Room: Phelps 3525
- Teaching Assistants' Office Hours:
Monday 10am-12pm: Suraj
Monday 12pm-2pm: Sachin
Monday 3:30pm-5:30pm: Yuanshun
Wednesday 8am-10am: Ankita
Wednesday 10am-12pm: Roman
Wednesday 12pm-2pm: Arvind
Thursday 1pm-3pm: Brandon
Friday 2pm-4pm: Adam
- Teaching Assistant Office:
Trailer 936 Room 104
- Course material is in the folder docx.
- Join the
page for cs16-related discussions.
- Check the class web site, the Piazza page,
and/or your email once a day.
- The grades: Winter16
(The Code is your PERM number mod 98773)
Midterm and Final Exam Dates
The Midterm Exam will be in class on Wednesday, Feb 10.
The Final will be on Monday, March 14 at 4:00-7:00pm
Programming Assignments
We will have 10 Programming Assignments.
The PAs are due every Saturday midnight.
- Programming Assignment 01: pa01.html -
Due Midnight January 9 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 02: pa02.html -
Due Midnight January 16 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 03: pa03.html -
Due Midnight January 23 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 04: pa04.html -
Due Midnight January 30 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 05: pa05.html -
Due Midnight February 6 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 06: pa06.html -
Due Midnight February 14 Sunday
← See deadline!!
- Programming Assignment 07: pa07.html -
Due Midnight February 20 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 08: pa08.html -
Due Midnight February 27 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 09: pa09.html -
Due Midnight March 5 Saturday
- Programming Assignment 10: pa10.html -
Due Midnight March 12 Saturday
Homework Assignments
We will have 5 Homework Assignments.
The HW assigments are due 5pm on Wednesdays on even weeks.
Deliver your homework paper to the HW Box for cs16 in HFH 2108.
- Homework Assignment 01: hw01.pdf -
Due 5pm Wednesday January 13
- Homework Assignment 02: hw02.pdf -
Due 5pm Wednesday January 27
- Homework Assignment 03: hw03.pdf -
Due 5pm Wednesday February 10
- Homework Assignment 04: hw04.pdf -
Due 5pm Wednesday February 24
- Homework Assignment 05: hw05.pdf -
Due 5pm Wednesday March 9
Weekly Course Plan
We will cover Chapters 1-10 and 14 of the Textbook according
to the following chart:
The weekly plan is as follows:
- Week01: Chapter 1: Introduction
- Week02: Chapter 2: C/C++ Basics and Chapter 3: Flow Control
- Week03: Chapter 4: Functions 1
- Week04: Chapter 5: Functions 2
- Week05: Chapter 6: I/O Streams
- Week06: Chapter 7: Arrays and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Week07: Chapter 7: Arrays and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Week08: Chapter 9: Pointers and Dynamic Arrays
- Week09: Chapter 8: Strings and Vectors
- Week10: Chapter 14: Recursion
W. Savitch. Problem Solving with C++.
9th Edition, 2014.
- Additional course material is found
in the folder docx.
Other Resources
Grading Rules
- Programming Assignments: 40 %
- Homework Assignments: 20 %
- Midterm: 15 %
- Final: 25 %
Catalog Specification
Fundamental building blocks for solving problems using computers.
Topics include basic computer organization and programming constructs:
memory CPU, binary arithmetic, variables, expressions, statements,
conditionals, iteration, functions, parameters, recursion, primitive
and composite data types, and basic operating system and debugging tools.
Prerequisite Rules
Mathematics 3A with a grade of C or better (may be taken concurrently).
Students with no experience with computer programming needs
to take CS 8 before CS 16.
Integrity at UCSB ←
Dr. Çetin Kaya Koç