CS 192 Projects in Computer Science (Computational Thinking)
Fall 2016 - EnrlCd: 61671 - Credits: 2
Department of Computer Science
University of California Santa Barbara
Course Information
- Instructor: Professor Çetin Kaya Koç
→ Koç is pronounced as "Coach"
- Class Schedule: Tue 3:30-6:00pm, HFH 1132
- Instructor's Office Hours: Mon, Wed 3:30-5:00pm
- Instructor's Office: HFH 1119
- Teaching Assistant: Han-Wei Kung (hkung@umail.ucsb.edu)
- Teaching Assistant Office Hours: TBA
- TA Office: Trailer
936 Room 104
- Please join the
Piazza page
for class discussions ←
- Check the class website and the Piazza page once a day
- Slides and course notes are in the folder
- Homework and Projects documents are in the folder
Homework Assignments and Project
- There will be 3 Homework Assignments and one Project
- Homework Assignment 1: hw1.pdf
due 9pm, Tue Oct 25
- Homework Assignment 2: hw2.pdf
due 9pm, Tue Nov 8
- Homework Assignment 3: hw3.pdf
due 9pm, Tue Nov 29
Link for hw3
- Project Requirements: Submit 2-4 pages of Project Paper or
12-20 pages of Project Slides. No need to submit programs; submit only
the description or the results. Deadline: 9pm Monday December 5
Link for Project Submission
Project Ideas
- Write-Once Erase-Never Memory
- Very-Long-Term Memory Devices
- Computing Pi: pi
- Arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic:
- IEEE 754 Library: ieee754
- Noto Project: noto
- Efficiency of image compression: gif, jpg, png
- Watermarking images with text, image, music
- Audio representation and processing
- Fractals: Find new recursively generated fractals
- Implement the d-dimensional Hill cryptosystem
(Key Generate, Encryption, and Decryption functions)
Course Topics
Data Representation and an Overview of Computing
What is information? How do we represent data?
History of numbers and calculation,
Leibniz’s system of 0’s and 1’s, analog versus digital data.
Representation of Text
Representation of numbers, binary, decimal, and hexadecimal
number systems, representation of simple text and structured
text; text encoding: 7-bit and 8-bit ASCII, Unicode, UTF-8, etc.
Representation of Images and Video
Representing images, intensity, pixels, tradeoffs in
representation, data formats, headers, compression algorithms,
optimization, Huffman coding.
Representation of Sound and Music
Representation of data other than text, analog sound,
digital sound, sampling, digitized music, distortion,
sound compression and decompression.
Iterative computations of sums, products, and sums of products,
or products of sums. Computation of constants such pi or e.
Types of recursion, recursive algorithmic paradigms, numerical
examples, complexity estimates.
Universal Computation
What is universality? The Turing machine model, Church-Turing
thesis, time/space, determinism/nondeterminism.
When is a problem more difficult than another? Simulations,
hierarchies of problems, limits of computation, decidability,
Arithmetic Algorithms
Addition of integers; carry-propagate, carry-save, and
carry-lookahead adders; multiplication, multiplication by
shift and add, simple recursive algorithms, Karatsuba algorithm.
Advanced Algorithms
Linear programming, dynamic programming, and Fast Fourier Transformation.
Searching and Sorting
Ordering data, data structures, linear search, binary search,
heap, binary tree; Sorting by searching for minimum,
Bubble Sort, Quicksort, Mergesort, selection.
Analytical versus Numerical Computation
Solving differential equations using analytical methods, making
sense of the solutions; solving differential equations using
numerical methods: Euler, Runge-Kutta, pitfalls of numerical
computation: Hilbert matrix, Wilkinson polynomial.
Numerical and Symbolic Computation and Tools
Matlab, R, and Mathematica.
Circuit-level parallelism, parallel computers, topology of
connections, sharing data among processors.
Everyday Cryptography
Confidentiality and authentication, how to keep your data away
from prying eyes, securing private information using encryption,
how to determine with whom we are talking on the Internet,
proving identity, digital signatures.
Grading Rules
- Homework Assignments: 45 %
- Project: 55 %
Catalog Specification
Projects in computer science for advanced undergraduate students.
- Consent of instructor
- Letter grade only
- Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- May be repeated to a maximum of 8 units with consent of
department chair
Integrity at UCSB ←
Dr. Çetin Kaya Koç