The CPS Ed Workshop will be held in July 17-19, 2016, on the campus of
Télécom ParisTech,
located in central Paris, in the heart of a rich urban and cultural
The workshop will be held in Amphitheater B312 in Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault 75013, Paris.
Directions: URL
The Workshop Seminars and Schedule
Monday July 17
09:00-09:45 Sam Green, Jieliang Luo, and Çetin Kaya Koç.
Reinforcement Learning for Cyber-Physical Safety Engineering

CPS Ed Workshop Registration:
Please first create an account at SciencesConf web site above, and then make the payment online using credit card information.
The registration fee is 150 Euros.
The accompanying person fee is 100 Euros.
Please make your own reservation at any one of the hotels nearby:
The Workshop Seminars and Schedule
Tuesday July 18
09:00-09:45 Elaine M. Raybourn. Transmedia Learning Tactics for
Enhancing Hands-On Cybersecurity Training & Education